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  • Writer's pictureDan Thibault

What REALTORS® Should Know About COVID-19

The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) continues to highlight the unique challenges facing REALTORS® in ongoing discussions with government departments and agencies. We have had meaningful conversations about the unique challenges facing our members and the potentially devastating outcomes of any interruptions to their day-to-day business.

For this reason, we created this dynamic content hub, a collaboration between all CREA departments. Together, we’re busy providing valuable content and insight into all aspects of how this pandemic is affecting REALTOR® members personally and their work. This micro site is populated with the resources to help REALTORS® get READY and SET to GO: outlining everything you need now, and will need in the future. Come back often to find new information – be it government collaborations, tech information, webinars or how do deal with legal issues. We broke it all down into easy-to-digest categories we believe are relevant to you and your colleagues. The most important thing you can do right now is take care of yourselves. If, for whatever reason, you are feeling overwhelmed, there are several resources we’d like to share with you:

  • the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 website;

  • the Canadian Mental Health Association;

  • the World Health Organization; and

  • your local elected officials and public health unit.

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